Tactical Pistol

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"(SIDEARM) A highly modified variant of the standard pistol featuring a suppresser and holo sight as well as other minor improvements. Very effective as a stealth weapon."
— Trader description

The Tactical Pistol is a sidearm in ADACA.


The Tactical Pistol is an upgraded version of the regular Pistol. It features a suppressor and usable reflex sight, as well as an extended 16-round magazine and higher damage. While overall a better weapon than the Pistol, it is still generally outclassed by other sidearms. However, it is good as a fairly cheap stealth weapon, being somewhat more common than other suppressed weapons and having easy to replenish ammo, able to be picked up from regular Pistols.


  • Has a chance of spawning from green Weapon Crates.


  • Spring Thaw: On the balcony in the hangar outside Dr. Chops' clinic. This area can only be accessed by stacking objects on top of the shipping containers nearby.
  • Rail Head: Inside the first building found in the level.
  • Sky Docks: Inside a room in the hallways in the first part of the level.

Zone Patrol

  • Can be purchased from the Quartermaster for 3 Icon Artifact.png.