Pulse Pistol

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"(SIDEARM) A compact, burst-fire energy pistol. Comes in handy for stripping shields."
— Trader description

The Pulse Pistol is a sidearm in ADACA.


The Pulse Pistol is a burst-fire energy handgun. It is the sidearm of the pulse line of energy weapons. It fires in 3-round bursts by default, but can be made to fire 1 or 2 shots by quickly tapping the fire button. The alt-fire toggles the sights, which also changes the weapon's fire mode to always fire three rounds and at a much faster rate. As an energy weapon, it deals more damage to Shields than ballistic firearms, and its burst-fire makes it an effective shield-stripping sidearm. The weapon begins to falter at long range due to the imprecise design of the sights, and that its accelerated burst may make some rounds miss as it spreads the three shots in a roughly vertical fashion.


  • Has a chance of spawning from green Weapon Crates.

Zone Patrol

  • Used by the Assassin Droids that appear when Lexi has the quest Head Hunter. These droids have a chance of appearing when entering a new location and do not have any fixed spawn point.
  • Can be purchased from Rook for 4 Icon Artifact.png.