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C4 is a type of grenade in ADACA.


Unlike other grenades, C4 is manually detonated. When thrown, it will bring up a detonator that can be used to detonate all active C4 charges with the primary fire. Deployed charges can be picked up again and put back in the inventory.

C4 charges are useful for laying traps, by setting down a charge and waiting for an enemy to get near it. They can also be used as impromptu grenades by directly throwing them at enemies, although they will not run away from it like Frag Grenades. However, one has to keep in mind that there is a small delay between activating the detonator and the C4 actually exploding.


  • Dropped by Merc Demolitionists.
  • Has a chance of spawning from orange Supply Crates.

Zone Patrol

  • Unlocked by default in the VAKT Ship.