Pocket Rocket

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"(SIDEARM) Paired down rocket-propelled grenade system, seemingly for use as a side arm?"
— Trader description

The Pocket Rocket is a sidearm in ADACA.


The Pocket Rocket is the only explosive secondary weapon. It fires a rocket-propelled grenade that explodes on impact with about the same power as the Nade Launcher. It is significantly more accurate than the R.P.G. as the projectile flies straight and travels much faster, although it only deals about a quarter of the R.P.G.'s damage and has a much smaller blast radius, being the weakest rocket-based weapon in the game. The alt-fire toggles the sights for increased zoom.



  • Epicenter: Inside one of the tents near the start of the level.

Zone Patrol

  • Can be purchased from the Shopkeeper for 6 Icon Artifact.png.