LAZ Magnum

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"(SIDEARM) Good old trusty laser magnum. It will win any duel it enters, no question."
— Trader description

The LAZ Magnum is a sidearm in ADACA.


The LAZ Magnum is a powerful laser revolver. It is the most powerful sidearm not counting explosives or shotguns. It also has extremely high accuracy, though its lack of a scope makes it difficult to take advantage of it at long ranges. As an energy weapon, it is more effective at damaging enemy Shields than ballistic firearms. Combined with its high power, this makes it a highly effective shield-stripping weapon. It is tempered by a somewhat low rate of fire, along with rarity.


  • Has a chance of spawning from both green and red Weapon Crates.


  • Rail Head: Inside the back room on the ground floor of the largest building at the Police outpost near the end of the level.
  • Night Light: Inside the armory.
  • Undermined: On the highest accessible level of the crane located outside of the mine, next to some ammo.
  • Epicenter: Used by the Detective and the two other Police units he drops in with.

Zone Patrol

  • The Haunt: Next to the corpse of a Police Detective hidden behind some shipping crates at the eastern end of the map.
  • Can be purchased from Kyle for 5 Icon Artifact.png.