Plaz Pistol

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"The fast ones drop these. No I don't know how to reload it..."
— Trader description

The Plaz Pistol is a sidearm in ADACA.


The Plaz Pistol is the sidearm in the plasma line of energy weapons. Its primary attack fires a single moderately high damaging shot, while the secondary will charge a burst of 1 to 6 rounds depending on how long it is charged. It is a good weapon for stripping away enemy Shields, as its burst-fire mode combined with the inherently higher damage against Shields from energy weapons makes short work of them, if not outright killing the enemy. Its main limiting factor is that its ammo cannot be replenished except from energy ammo packs, themselves somewhat uncommon, and acquiring replacement Plaz Pistols is difficult as Conflux Ordinals are also not very common. It also falters at long range due to its below-average accuracy.


  • Carried by Conflux Ordinals.
  • Has a chance of spawning from green Weapon Crates.


  • Cathedral: The first Plaz Pistols in the Campaign are carried by a pair of Conflux Ordinals at the start of this chapter.
  • The Chimera: Next to the bodies of dead Conflux Ordinals.
  • Gate Keeper: Next to the bodies of dead Conflux Ordinals.

Zone Patrol

  • Can be purchased from the Shopkeeper for 3 Icon Artifact.png.