Hammer Head

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"(SIDEARM) A custom made, double-barrel shotgun pistol."
— Trader description

The Hammer Head is a sidearm in ADACA.


The Hammer Head is a short over/under double barrel shotgun. Its primary fire will fire one barrel, and the secondary fire shoots both. Unlike the Shotgun, the double burst is fired very quickly, at a nearly simultaneous rate. It also has the unique trait among shotguns of firing more than the usual six pellets, firing nine at a time. It deals the same amount of damage as the regular Shotgun, unlike other shotgun types. Although it only holds two shells, it has a quick reload, giving it a high damage-per-second. It has a wider spread than other shotguns, limiting its effective range.


  • Has a chance of spawning from green Weapon Crates.


  • Epicenter: Inside one of the tents near the start of the level.

Zone Patrol

  • Can be purchased from Rook and the Shopkeeper for 4 Icon Artifact.png.