Hev Pistol

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"(SIDEARM) A high caliber pistol, featuring a Neural-link integrated optic. This thing kicks like a horse."
— Trader description

The Hev Pistol is a sidearm in ADACA.


The Hev Pistol is a high-powered handgun with an integrated scope. The scope allows it to perform well as a "sniper pistol", while its moderately fast rate of fire combined with its high power also lets it be used at close range. Its main limiting factor is its rarity, making ammo resupply infrequent outside of Supply Crate drops.


  • Carried by Merc Lieutenants.
  • Has a chance of spawning from green Weapon Crates.


  • Sky Docks: Carried by a Merc Lieutenant in the first part of the level.

Zone Patrol

  • Can be purchased from Kyle for 3 Icon Artifact.png.