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The Molotov is a type of grenade in ADACA.


A glass bottle filled with flammable liquid and a rag stuck in the opening. Molotovs explode on impact with a surface, creating a pool of fire and igniting those caught in the blast in addition to a small amount of explosion damage.

As Molotovs do not bounce, they are less effective than Frag Grenades for flushing out enemies. Instead, they may used for attacking foes head-on, as its impact-detonated nature leaves less time for them to run away from it. However, they deal less damage than an explosive, and the damage-over-time from the fire is somewhat unpredictable.


  • Dropped by Conflux Friars.
  • Has a chance of spawning from orange Supply Crates.


  • Repo Man: Two on the table near the start of the level.