Zone Patrol

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Zone Patrol is one of the two main game modes of ADACA. It is an open-world, exploration-focused mode primarily centered around quests. The player character is Sergeant Lexi Abrams of VAKT PMC, tasked with reconnaissance of the Calico Valley Exclusion Zone.


Unlike the Campaign, which is linear and level-based, Zone Patrol is open-world, taking place on a large area within the Exclusion Zone. It has a high emphasis on exploration, with weapons and equipment being primarily scavenged from the environment.

The player starts in the VAKT Ship, where missions and weapons can be selected. Once ready, the dropship in the hangar will send the player to their selected mission.


Main article: Zone Patrol locations
World map

The world map is approximately 2 km x 1 km large, and is broken up into several distinct areas, each of which have a general theme to them. Each location is populated by recurring NPC and anomaly spawns. There are a number of secrets in every location, including hidden areas, weapons, artifacts, and more.


Main article: Quests

Quests are the primary means of progression in Zone Patrol. They are obtained by exploring the environment or interacting with characters.


Main article: Missions

Special missions may be unlocked up completing certain quests or finding certain locations. Unlike quests, they are self-contained and not directly accessible through the open world. They are selected at the VAKT Ship.


Main article: Artifacts

Throughout the environment, the player can find Artifacts hidden in out-of-the-way spots, which can also be obtained from completing quests. These are used as currency for buying weapons and gear from traders, which makes them available permanently in the armoury on the VAKT Ship.

Template:Navbox Zone Patrol