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This is a list of all chapters available in ADACA.


These chapters are directly accessible as part of the Campaign.

Episode One: Derelict

Image Chapter Description
Spring Thaw.png Spring Thaw Expecting to wake up in a battle field you instead find a pair of goggles and mutton chops looking down at you. You expected to still have your left arm too...
Ship Breaker.png Ship Breaker You were in cryo for a long time, and a lot has happenedd. Right now however you have worse things to worry about.
Gutted.png Gutted The Doc has left you to fight your way through the remains of this massive vessel alone. This place can not be a safe working environment.
Repo Man.png Repo Man The Free Scrappers are decent folk, and their plight is yours now. It only makes sense that you find solidarity with them; these days it doesn't hurt to have comrades...
Rail Head.png Rail Head The towns folk need to get out of IronWood Lake fast, and you're their vanguard. Watch out for the automated trains. And the snipers...
Quick Detour.png Quick Detour The railway tunnel is blocked, you need to find another way around. You never expected this place to be so weird; but there's no turning back now.
Tunnel Vision.png Tunnel Vision Chops warned you about these tunnels, but you're out of options. Whatever is down there can't be any worse than what you've already faced...
Rest Stop.png Rest Stop Reunited with Kelly and the Free Scrappers, you take some time to wind down and connect. There are still mysteries out there, loose ends. This is far from over.
Night Light.png Night Light You and Kelly share a similar concern about Chops, and the horizon has done little to stay your curiosity. What is going on in that Zone?
Gas.png Gas It's been a long drive, and your luck isn't great so far. There's got to be some more fuel nearby; shouldn't be an issue.
The Breach.png The Breach Dawn breaks over the pine bluffs, and the wall dominates the horizon. The first leg of your journey is over, but it doesn't get any easier from here...

Episode Two: Exclusion Zone

Image Chapter Description
Undermined.png Undermined Alone in a cold, dark, damp place. You refuse to die here. Claw your way back out.
The Zone.png The Zone A wall closes off this cursed land. Countless decades of silent fog, now pierced by gun-shots. What are they willing to kill for in a place like this?
Phantoms.png Phantoms How many obscure tunnels and passasgeways snake and twist through these mountains? What haunted secrets are they hiding?
The Conflux.png The Conflux They've set up operations in this zone; they worship something here. This is where they process their "converts"... Find Kelly, get out.
Bridge Too Far.png Bridge Too Far You and Kelly want answers. How far are you willing to go to ask for them?
Powerhouse.png Powerhouse This is where the beacon has lead you all, like moths to a flame. Now you're in the flame.
Cathedral.png Cathedral Come unto the house of God and be humbled.
The Chimera.png The Chimera You came to meet God, only to find you've met them before... They were a bit of a prick honestly.
Theocide.png Theocide And all came to see him...
Calico Blue.png Calico Blue Such ambitions. What have they amounted to?

Episode Three: Castaway

Image Chapter Description
Familiar Room.png Familiar Room Its not your first time in a prison cell...
An Accord.png An Accord You do not trust the AI, but you also have no choice.
Break Out.png Break Out It wasn't enough that you're trying to break out of prison; some one else is breaking in...
Fugitive.png Fugitive You're not out of the woods yet, and you can hear the dogs not far behind you.
Sky Docks.png Sky Docks Turns out you're not the only one looking for Chops. Is this an opportunity or a huge mistake?
Stowaway.png Stowaway The Mercs are none too happy to find you hiding on their ship...
Beached.png Beached At least you made it in one piece...
Hold Out.png Hold Out You should have guess they'd have set up shop here too.
Sister Location.png Sister Location "The City with no Architect"? So that's what he's looking for...
Dig Site.png Dig Site These ruins are old, too old... Impossibly old...
Crawl Space.png Crawl Space Something horrible lays buried here; but its not what you came for.
Epicenter.png Epicenter Another day, another ground war over obscure ruins...
Gate Keeper.png Gate Keeper And it was all for this...


These chapters are not part of the Campaign, and must be selected on their own.

Image Chapter Description
Basic Training.png Basic Training Not familiar with virtual firearms? Here's a quick refresher.
Playground.png Playground (WARNING! This mode contains spoilers! Play at your own discretion!)
A small sandbox level for exploring the game's features!
Zone Patrol Chapter Select.png Zone Patrol Play as Sergeant Lexi Abrams, a conscripted soldier serving her sentence under Vakt PMC.

This mode allows you to experience a series of bonus missions in a parallel story line to that of the main campaign.

These missions feature many unique scenarios and are designed to be challenging, they do not allow you to save during them.

It is recommended you play them after experiencing the available main campaign levels.

Endless Battle.png Endless Battle Experimental Test Mode: Play against endless waves of Enemy (or Friendly) AI

Playground Chapters

These chapters are only accessible through a hidden level select in the Playground.

  • E1M2
  • Trench_P
  • Q-Zone