Endless Battle

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"Experimental Test Mode: Play against endless waves of Enemy (or Friendly) AI"
— Description

Endless Battle, or the AI Battle Test, is an experimental game mode in ADACA. It allows players to fight or spectate endless waves of opposing NPCs. It does not tie into the game's story and is only accessible from the Chapter Select menu.


Endless Battle takes place on a modified version of the Storm Drain map, with the Zone Patrol content stripped out. In the starting room, the player can choose the composition of each opposing faction (Freescrappers, Police, Conflux, or NNM, between 1 to 100 NPCs) and begin the fighting; to the right of the settings panel there is a button to enable FreeCam should the player wish to spectate. Faction A will spawn from the southern side of the level, while faction B will come fom the northern side.

The player's starting equipment consists of a Pistol, Battle Rifle, and two Frag Grenades, though there is Body Armor and a MOLLE on a table inside the starting room, and a Sniper Rifle is located close to spawn.